May 2024
What is a Benefit in Kind (BIK)
A benefit in kind (BIK) is a non-cash benefit received from your employer. This might be an incentive to make your workplace more appealing such as health insurance or gym memberships or it could be [...]
November 2023
The Importance of having a LPA as a Business Owner
One of the most exciting things about being a business owner is seeing your ideas come to life. You get to use your mind every single day to solve, create, challenge, and inspire. And it’s [...]
September 2021
How we reduced a client’s potential tax liability from £850k to just £35k
Client X has been a client of ours for years. In 2018, as a result of a large payout over a patented product, they had an extremely good year which resulted in profit of £4.65m [...]
July 2021
Can I charge VAT on disbursements?
Many solicitors will refer to any charges that go over and above the basic fee for their services to the client as a ‘disbursement’. Disbursements may refer to expenses paid out on behalf of the [...]
March 2021
How to predict your future tax bill so you can plan your cash ahead of time
One of the hardest parts of owning a business is not knowing how much you will earn in the future. There is no promise of a steady paycheck, no added holiday or sick pay, and [...]
What do I do about my bounce back loan when we come out of lockdown?
Now that a return to ‘normal’ is looking possible, we are talking to our clients about what happens next for businesses as they come out of lockdown. Many of you will have thought a lot [...]