Stubbs Parkin Summer Soiree

Home/Accountancy, Bookkeeping, Xero/Stubbs Parkin Summer Soiree

Stubbs Parkin Summer Soiree

Proud to show off our new premises, we were pleased to see so many clients, contacts and friends come along to help us celebrate, at our Summer Party in June.

The mood was relaxed and it was great to both catch up, and also to put faces to names.

Our move to 55 Hoghton “Finance” Street took place in the beginning of the year and the ever growing team have settled in well. 

The new prestigious offices are better located, larger, and provide a ground floor reception with parking out front for customers.

If you were unable to attend the party, we would still love to show you around our new offices, so feel free to pop in or bring in any paperwork you may need to.


We focus on…

saving you time, money and sleepless nights

Our Areas

Accounting, Tax, VAT, Xero, Self Assesment,

Our SP Price Packages Include:

Success, Standard, Simple

We’d love to chat…

and help you save money, call us!